Hé there #001
Get it? 'hé' ?
(we are totally calling the blog 'hé' from now on)
You know, we were working away, banging things with hammers and drilling holes and one of us wondered out loud "How long's it been since we did an update on the blog?" which was a great question! (It has been 24 days, for those playing at home)
So I swapped the paint roller for my camera and took some pictures of the space as it is now. Alot has changed since you last perused the blog, let's get into it!
It's the little things that count, and I can count about ten little things that have changed, but we'll go with the biggest change first. After a successful installation by The Adelaide University Art History Club, Second Nature has been taken down in preparation for some future events. We'd like to thank everyone that contriubted and everyone else who came along and viewed the art. The Art History Club also hosted a few very succesful events over the period of their occupancy, including a movie night and a life drawing class, proving the concept that the space is what you make of it! If you have any enquiries and would like to see what you could possibly do with the space, either organise a tour or just send an enquiry to hello@mache.space.
Next is something I'm personally proud of. The reception area is now fully functional, so I'm not just using my laptop on the floor any more! I've moved in my old PC from home (Yes, I modded that Mac case to put a PC in it) and salvaged some legs from an office space. We converted a musty old principal's desk in to a nice and vibrant, and functional, reception desk. So if you want to drop by and say hi, come see me! You'll also notice that the giant gaping hole in the ceiling has been covered up, Dans put in some hours and brought his vision to life. I think it's turned out great.
EcoCaddy Office
Now, I thought I'd take the time to mention that EcoCaddy is sharing the space with mâché and occupies the office in the front of the building. The progress has come along nicely, and has a great little window seat for informal meetings and a whiteboard up the back for drawing cool pictures of pirate ships and maybe noting important things from time to time.
The exterior of the building has been neglected for quite some years, there was a build up of grossness and the paint was starting to fade and flake. We've been walking past it for quite some time now, and the weather being as tempermental as it is we haven't had the opportunity to have a crack at it, but the stars aligned recently and Dans gave the front a blast with a pressure washer. The building looks a tonne cleaner, and we've begun priming it ready for our signature purple to replace the 'red'. Daniels has also been hard at work with our branding, donating the EcoCaddy window to make a massive light box with the mâché logo front and centre. It's quite striking at night, if you ever get to roll past it, be sure to send us a pic!
Quick update from the last blog, the server shelves have been tidied and the main fileserver has been sorted and is ready to roll out. We've chosen to go with UnRAID as our fileserver platform as it allows us to run a hardware based VM or three if ever anyone needs to do anything speccy while they're working here. I've tidied up the equipment and cables, and labelled everything too. I know most of you won't really care about this stuff but I'm stoked, so there... Moving on!
Exciting times! The Artist Spaces are fully functional and available for tenancy. There's seven in total, and two are already taken by Ashton and Eileen. They've made their space their home and are creating some great work. As you can also see, the floors have been fully sanded and the window and skirting have all been accented by our favourite colour too.
We've put some hours in to the Recording Studio. The old manky desk has been rejuvenated and upcycled in to a nice piney slab. It's solid and stable and the guys from Sounds Out of Hours are ready to make full use of the setup. I thought it might be important to note that while the room isn't fully sound PROOF it is almost entirely sound dead. Great for recording all types of things and also quite eerie to stand in by yourself in silence when it's a quiet day... I wouldn't recommend it, so maybe come in and play some music!

As I mentioned earlier, The Adelaide University Art History Club has moved their stuff out, so I thought I'd take a few pictures of the finished space to show it off and maybe inspire some of you to want to fill the space up with your cool ideas. If you're thinking to yourself "Man, there's not a lot of desk spaces there..." you'd be correct. This isn't by coincidence. Everything we're doing here at mâché is made to be scalable. From our Internet and network all the way to the available seating, we can keep adding to everything we've already made in order to meet the requirements of the space. This allows us to roll out everything at the pace the space grows and also minimise until such time that it's necessary to expand. Or, long story short, we do what we want, when we want, 'cause our lives are cool and we do cool stuff.
Lastly, I'd like to leave you with a gallery of pictures we've collected between the last blog and now. There's been ALOT going on that it's kinda hard to both be doing those things and write about them at the same time so instead enjoy all the pics!

I'd like to mention that our last livestream was a success and thank everyone for tuning in. We'll be doing more stuff like that in the future so keep your looks on our books at this link.
And so concludes this blog! Moving forward we'll be naming the blog hé, as in Hey! Next time we say hé we'll be focusing on our members and the happenings of the place, so stay tuned!